Thursday, November 12, 2009


I think idioms are the most interesting part of any language.  They really give you the flavor of a culture.

What's even more fun is living with little people who are learning them, who don't quite get it the first time.  DD's friend has been sick the past couple of days, including quite a bit of vomiting, DH reports during dinner.  DD then leans over to me and whispers in a knowing voice "yeah, she ate a lot of cookies last night."  DH starts to crack up.

I bet you can finish this one...  Yes, the friend's father actually said "she tossed her cookies."  I can just imagine DD's mental picture of that one.  Her friend, perhaps hiding cozily in an upstairs closet, busily tossing cookies into her mouth.  Mmm.  Tossing cookies never sounded so good!

1 comment:

  1. remember the story of the bulgarian professor who "tossed an angry outburst"?

    gives new meaning to the phrase threw a fit.
